
ABN Resource. A Carbon Positive Company

In March 2021, we partnered with sustainability expert Apu Gosalia and the leading sustainability advisory consultancy, Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG, to independently audit our carbon footprint, get advice on efficiencies we could make and offset our remaining emissions. 

In taking these actions, we became a certified carbon positive business meaning our activity goes beyond achieving net-zero carbon emissions. We actually create an environmental benefit by removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We offset our emissions by investing in environmental projects including wind energy, hydropower and forestry

“Going carbon positive was important to ABN Resource as we have always strived to be a good corporate citizen to the world. We now have a deep value alignment with the companies we support in the lubricants industry that are at various stages on their sustainability journey. The process itself was fun and actually less complex than we anticipated. We hope others will join us to make an environmental and social difference by delivering their own sustainability objectives”

said ABN Resource Director & Founder, James Moorhouse.

Carbon positive. What does it mean?

“Climate positive” takes the concept of carbon neutrality to the next level. Carbon neutral refers to activities, processes, companies that offset their environmental impact by reducing their carbon emissions to zero. Whereas climate-positive companies will not only achieve net-zero carbon emissions, but reduce and remove more greenhouse gases than they emit. 

The audit process

We submitted our company emissions data for January to December 2019. We felt this was a more accurate view of emissions compared to 2020 data as the Covid19 pandemic stopped us travelling, commuting, inhabiting an office and would not represent fairly our genuine emissions. This 2019 data was then analysed and audited by external consultancy Fokus Zukunft GmbH & Co. KG.

The data analysed included our use of; natural gas, purchased electricity (including the source of electricity), heating, cooling, steam, business travel (by air, bus, taxi, car, hotel accommodation), employee commuting (train, public transport, car, bike, carpool), waste (paper, cardboard, plastic, glass) and wastewater, office consumables, website emissions. Where real values couldn’t be provided (e.g. paper consumption), we used benchmark data for an estimate.

What have we learnt along the way

#1 Get to grips with your consumption first

It is vital to ensure you have a full understanding of your business emissions, so your first step should be to measure your carbon footprint. This will help you to identify key areas for improvement and begin to put a carbon reduction plan in place.

#2 Set defined carbon reduction targets

Set a clear, realistic and measurable target for reducing emissions within a specified timeframe. This gave focus and clarity to our mission to be a sustainable business.

#3 Make carbon reduction a priority

Once you have carbon reduction goals in place, you need to get everyone within your business on board to give you the best chance of achieving it. 

#4 Ask your employees to get involved

Senior support is crucial, but it is also important to bring your employees with the company’s carbon reduction journey. Leadership talked about why it is important and motivation across the team was intrinsic as we all worked together on delivering our sustainable aims. 

#5 Look for offsetting actions

If you are looking for projects that can help you to offset your emissions, try to find legitimate projects that can support wider communities as well as help to reach sustainability goals at your company. All our projects meet industry standards and contribute toward the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN).


More answers on Why and How to achieve carbon-neutral status in the lubricants business can be found in our latest podcast episode with Apu Gosalia.

About ABN Resource

ABN Resource are global recruitment consultants to the lubricants, additive and base oil industry. Our vision is “to provide growth through happy, high performing people that make a safer & more sustainable world” and with our certification as a carbon positive business, we are making our vision a reality. 

Learn more about how we work and what we do.

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