
Why Employer Branding Is So Important For Lubricants Organisations?

In today’s competitive employment market, having a great employer brand is crucial. Hiring and maintaining skilled personnel is difficult. To move your organisation ahead, you need competent team members, and a great approach to recruit, engage, and keep top staff is to develop your reputation as a wonderful place to work.

What exactly is employer branding?

Employer branding is the proactive management of your employer brand in order to advertise your organisation to desirable job seekers. You may do this by emphasising and magnifying your organisation’s distinct cultural differentiators in order to present your firm as an attractive place to work.

A successful employer brand is about establishing the core of your organisation — both its uniqueness and what it stands for — and matching it with the prospects you want to attract. It indicates that your company is a good place to work, which helps with recruiting, employee engagement, and retention.

When done correctly, employer branding will generate excitement about your organisation, attracting motivated job searchers and building a group of satisfied workers. These individuals frequently share their good experiences with job applicants, clients, customers, and other stakeholders, expanding the reach and influence of your employer brand.

What exactly is an employer’s value proposition?

An employer value proposition (EVP) encapsulates your company’s goal, beliefs, and culture and provides workers with compelling reasons to work for you. It defines what your organisation provides in exchange for workers’ skills, expertise, abilities, and contacts.

A well-designed EVP that is often presented to both potential and current workers helps the organisation. A successful EVP may help recruit and retain top talent, prioritise business objectives and agendas, reengage a disgruntled staff, and minimise hiring expenses. Most importantly, it adds to a positive and powerful employer brand.

An EVP is considered as an employee-centered strategy as it is established, and tested with current employees. It should include what attracted your staff members to your organisation and what keeps them there.

You might include the following elements in your EVP:

  • Mission, vision, values, and culture
  • Compensation
  • Career advancement opportunities
  • Flexible work options
  • Opportunities for remote employment 
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion
  • Job stability
  • Work-life integration
  • Employee perks and benefits
  • Employee appreciation and recognition
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) responsibility
  • Office location and facilities

What is the value of a strong employer brand?

According to the GETI Report, with 60% of experts in the oil & gas industry worrying about a talent shortage, meeting the demand for new talents is already proving difficult. Increased competition for scarce talent is only going to exacerbate the situation.

Therefore, if you want to attract and convert qualified people, your organisation must stand out – a great employer brand can assist you in doing this.

Before applying for a job, three out of every four job seekers examine an employer’s brand, and nearly six out of ten workers pick a workplace based on similar values, according to The 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer. And it doesn’t end there; 40% of employees stated they would resign if they didn’t agree with their employer’s stance on crucial topics.

A strong employer brand is however more than simply an appealing image; it is a potent instrument with far-reaching consequences. 

Consider it a spotlight, highlighting the particular value your organisation provides to highly qualified job searchers. However, the power of a good employer brand extends beyond talent acquisition to include:

  • Serves as a crucial driver of employee loyalty and happiness, enabling you to guarantee that your workers don’t simply work for you, but with you, sharing your vision and goals.
  • Employees are less inclined to explore other possibilities if they believe their company’s brand matches with their personal beliefs and ambitions.
  • Improves your entire business image, which might have benefits other than recruiting. 
  • Reduces recruiting expenses by allowing you to get more unsolicited high-quality applications.
  • Employees are more engaged and devoted to their job when they feel linked to your company identity, which increases productivity.
  • Recognising these advantages emphasises the unquestionable importance of a strong employer brand in today’s competitive business environment.


So now you need employer branding, how do you craft an appealing employer branding strategy? That’s a topic for our next blog article!