Lubricants Talent Report 2024

Lubricants Talent Report 2024

Get the insights you need to succeed in the lubricants industry. By downloading the 2024 Lubricants Talent Report, you’ll gain access to valuable information on:

✓ Current industry trends, opportunities, and challenges
✓ Career intentions and key reasons behind employee turnover
✓ Salary trends and most important factors to job satisfaction
✓ Skill gaps and training needs assessment

& much more.

Based on a record-breaking response from lubricants professionals worldwide, this third edition of the Lubricants Talent Report 2024 provides a unique perspective on the global lubricants talent market.

It provides insights that not only allow lubricants professionals to make more informed career decisions under a global perspective but also help companies to better understand the new nature of the lubricants talent market and how they should position themselves to hire and retain the talent they so desperately need.

Download the report now →

Stay Ahead

Equip yourself with up-to-date data and trends that inform strategic decisions, improve employee satisfaction, and boost retention rates.

Benchmark Against Peers

Understand how your organisation compares with others in the industry regarding workforce needs, compensation changes, and growth strategies.

Empower Your Team

Equip your HR and leadership teams with the knowledge needed to implement effective talent acquisition and retention strategies.

Discover trends shaping lubricants workplace

The lubricants sector faces significant workforce challenges, including a widening skills gap and an ageing workforce.

According to the 2024 Lubricants Talent Report, 36% of professionals identify talent attraction and retention as a major issue, while over 60% prioritise growth. These insights highlight the need for industry leaders to adopt strategic talent management practices, from upskilling to succession planning, to remain competitive.

As the report emphasizes, the lubricants industry is at a pivotal moment, with 42% of the workforce aged 55 or older, underscoring the need for succession planning and knowledge retention strategies. With 79% of companies offering some form of training, the report also reveals a strong focus on skills development, but gaps remain, particularly in addressing career advancement and employee retention issues. Furthermore, with 33% of professionals seeing sustainability as a priority, it’s clear that businesses must integrate sustainability practices to stay competitive.

As your business evolves with new skills, technologies, and sustainability demands, how will you develop the right talent to navigate these challenges? Discover the latest trends and actionable strategies to shape your organisation’s future in this comprehensive report.

Don’t get left behind. Get the 2024 Lubricants Talent Report today.

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